The ridiculous things British people do as soon as the sun comes out
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Us British people are a funny bunch. We spend a lot of time dragging ourselves through long, dark, rainy, cold days going to and from work and carrying out the daily stuff that it feels like it’s never going to end.
But then it happens. We get an unusually hot spate of weather, and it’s like we’ve been reborn again. Suddenly everyone is 100 x nicer and 100 x happier and 100 x more optimistic.
Here are the ridiculous things us British (100% including myself) are guilty of doing as soon as we get the first glimpse of sunshine.
Talk about the weather even more
Yes, it’s true, Brits do talk about the weather a lot, but trust me, you ain’t seen nothing until the sun comes out. Suddenly every conversation starts with ‘I can’t believe how sunny it is’ and ‘god it’s boiling outside’ and then ends with ‘enjoy the weather’ regardless of what you’ve been talking about in between.
Descend to the nearest beach or body of water
Doesn’t matter if it’s all cobbles, a bit muddy or actually a decent beach, any area near a waterside will be packed. And even if it’s ridiculously uncomfortable we will find a patch to squeeze onto and lay out in our swimmers. And yes, we will all do our best to get in the water to ‘cool off’ only to be very quickly reminded that it’s still bloody freezing.
Say it will never last
To be fair, it doesn’t last because it’s England, but you would have thought we would have been able to hold back on the weather pessimism for at least a day. But no. We’ve been let down by nature all too often.
Get Over-optimistic about the tanning situation
Like I’ve mentioned before, most of our days are grey and rainy. So why us British think that we won’t need sun cream on our pasty little bodies when it’s sunny is beyond me. You hear people saying that they ‘never burn’, only to spend the whole day outside to come inside looking like a lobster. Nice one guys.
Do an impromptu wardrobe change
There’s something about a bit of sun that makes us think we’ve all be transported to Ibiza. The short shorts and massive floral headbands get dusted off, bikini tops are worn instead of bras and lads don’t feel the need to wear t-shirts anymore, no matter where you are, even if it’s just Tesco.
People start sunbathing anywhere
When I say anywhere, I mean anywhere. I’ve seen people laying on roundabouts before now. It’s like any bit of grass/pavement/seat will do, and to be honest no one cares because it’s never gonna last (see point 3).
Get on the daytime drinking, just because
Pimms have a lot to thank the British for on days like this. From about 10 am it’s perfectly fine to get on the drinks without risk of judgement from anyone. And this will continue for the rest of the day.
Panic buy BBQ stuff
Because it might be the only chance we get! If you get to the shops late you have no chance and will spend the rest of your afternoon calling around your friends and family trying to gather a feast together. But anything can be cooked on a BBQ anyway so it’s always good.
Complain about the price of a 99 icecream
Yeah, well, back in the good old day this treat was 99p, and quite frankly it’s a disgrace that it now costs far more than that. This anger will never die down. Rant over.
Realise we can’t actually hack the heat
After all the excitement and fun weather conversations us British will have had about the glorious sunshine, there’s a stark reality that we just straight out can’t hack it. The truth of the matter is that we go from complaining about how bad it is, to complaining that it’s too hot. You will hear phrases such as ‘stuffy’ being thrown around in a whining manner. After a bit of time basking in the sun or doing something outdoorsy we just get too overwhelmed and retreat back into our shaded homes and hope that it’s nice again tomorrow, but maybe not as nice.
Hahaha this is so ridiculously true. I just spent two weeks in England and it was (miraculously) sunny almost every day, so I didn’t flinch when everyone was decked out in their summer gear… THEN I went to Brighton when it was almost raining and the beach was still packed with optimistic sunbathers. I suppose you guys take what you can get hahah. Also my boyfriend is English and he went sunbathing the day before I met up with him (hadn’t seen him for a month)… and yes, he was 100% lobster red lol.
You lucky thing you picked a great couple of weeks to be here! Hahaha we really do have to take what we can even if it does mean getting burnt to a crisp
This is very funny and too true. I’m Australian and lived in the UK for a couple of years. It took me awhile to understand that you had to seize any moment the sun came out, because it may be the last for awhile! Also loved the way everyone rushed to the park or pub with the first rays of sun. It’s nice that it’s not taken for granted there.
Momma To Go
I feel like this is me right now. The weather has been so crappy in NYC I am like a banshee the first night day! I need to more to florida…
Oh no! Hopefully it will pick up!
Haha so, so true, but you do have to make the most of it, don’t you? I really love your photos too 🙂
Absolutely! It will be gone before you know it. Thank you Helen!
This is adorable, thank you! Here in Virginia, it’s the opposite. We start complaining and hiding inside as soon as it gets hot. Great topic for a post, I bet every area of the world reacts differently. Fun thought. 🙂
Thank you Meg!
Ahaha I love this! So true from as much as I can tell by my British friends (or random British I met and certainly didn’t want to become friends with while they were shirtless, drunk, and red as a lobster slalom-stumbling along the beach).
But I guess day-time drinking works any time of year. I mean, summer yeah, anyway. And in winter you somehow gotta warm up and get rid of those cloudy thoughts haha. That’s how we do it in North Germany at least 😉 Without all the other embarrassing stuff. Well. I get a lobster in summer as well, sigh.
Haha I love when people make fun of themselves and their neighbours (because that is when the truth is told)! Thank you for sharing and lovely pictures!
haha sunbathing AND getting burnt! Makes me excited to get back home for a visit in summer though! 🙂
Haha, this made me laugh so much because it’s soooo true! We either moan because it’s cold and grey or it’s too hot. We’re never happy! I love the way all the BBQ stuff sells out in an instant and all is right with the world. For a day 😉
Aahah this was funny to read 🙂 I think that, we, French are pretty much the same when the sun comes out.
Haha, a lot of these apply to Scandinavians too! I remember growing up I used to think 16 degrees was warm and I’d wear my sandals and shorts and even go to the beach and dip my toes into the freezing water. No wonder I always caught a cold. All year around. Now I live in France and won’t take off my jacket unless it’s way above 20 degrees.
16 is easy warm enough for me haha!
It’s funny because it’s true! haha I think I can relate to all of these 😐 lol
Me too haha!
Cory Varga (@youcouldtravel)
Someone already said it…but yeah, they love to take their clothes off. The parks become these crazy busy places, filled with everyone who fights for a spot. haha They amuse me really.
It amuses me too! (Even though I’m 100% one of them)
I just moved from Australia to London and this is so true. Funny thing was the other day in London it was 20 degrees and a girl on the train near me was saying how hot it was, haha I’m still waiting for it to get to 32!
Haha we just can’t hack it here! We’re swapping as I’m off to Australia soon! Can’t wait for 32 degrees ?. How are you finding London?
GallopAroundTheGlobe (@KiaraGallop)
I love this! Being British too, I can completely relate. It’s all about the shades and the flip flops and the barbecues along the river for me. Although, having travelled extensively through Southeast Asia, I will never complain that it’s “too hot” in England! ?
That’s very true! You haven’t experienced hot until you’ve been there!
GallopAroundTheGlobe (@KiaraGallop)
I love this! Being British too, I can completely relate. It’s all about the shades and the flip flops and the barbecues along the river for me. Although, having travelled extensively through Southeast Asia, I will never complain that it’s “too hot” in England! ?
So funny and so true!!! And I really don’t need to see guys without a top on walking down the street….. ahhh not pretty!! Only other thing we also do is go mad on camping equipment. A friend of mine has spent a fortune on all the gear, including blow up sofa. I wonder how many times it will get used!!
Hahaha that’s such a brilliantly optimistic thing to do! I love camping but you know what’s gonna happen as soon as you whip the tent out!
Cristina P
LOL I am not British but I am guilty 🙂
As soon as May hits with decent weather, my parents are BBQing…and keep asking me if I want to come over. And I always bask in the sun.
Haha has to be done! I can’t resist a BBQ. Talking of which, pretty sure I’m off to another one today! Gotta make the most of it!
Cristina P
Mom wanted to BBQ today as well. I was like:”nope, sorry, just came from Greece and don’t feel like eating anything on the barbie lol”
Haha, I loved this! I’m Australian so it’s funny to read about the differences between us and England. What’s considered a hot day for you guys? Where I’ve been living for the past 8 months, it can reach up to 44 degrees celcius! Sunshine is great though, definitely makes all the difference to our attitude and happiness! Even if it’s a cooler day, as long as the sun is shining, everyone is happy 😀 Great post!
Haha hot for us is probably anything about 16 Celsius. Nothing compared to Aus! Crikey that’s crazy? Where are you at the moment? I’m headed to Dubai I a few weeks and I think I might actually die haha.
Lols! A lot of it… I have heard from my British friends about some of these phenomena. Being in India it is so difficult imagine not seeing the sun almost everyday. Almost because in some parts the monsoon takes over for a while. I, myself remember the depressing feeling I had in Switzerland during winters, when I was working there and how we would all flock out during long days of summers.
Gracie Gill
You got me laughing hard here! Everything is true! My husband is British and I remember when I first came in the UK, I complained about the “fake sun”! Because when I see it’s sunny outside, I’ll go out for a run then come back home soaking wet from rain ?. Then even the sun is high, the breeze was still cold for me, so I have this spot in our bedroom beside our window when the sun is shiny, it leaves a spot for a sunbathing! And yes, we always complain about ice cream’s price! Everything here is on point! ?
Dam Straight (this also applies to a lot of Northern European countries as well). Strip naked and tan! Whoop Whoop!
Hahaha love it!
Haha… the same things happens in MN in the spring! 60F and we are in shorts again! Though we wouldn’t dare go in the water with temps that cold
Haha too funny!
Genie | Gallivanting Bean
haha people start sunbathing everywhere. people do that too here in LA and it’s basically never not sunny here. I’m moving to London in August so I guess I’ll have to get used to not seeing the sun so often
Mike Clegg - www.travelanddestinations.com
This is amazing and so true. We brits definitely love talking about the weather and all rush out and bbq or go to the beach (if possible). Those sunny days never last long enough! 🙂
This is so true! I grew up on the coast in Devon and saw all of this from locals and tourist. Haha great post!
I bet haha! So many people head that way for a break
I can understand how people living in cold weather suddenly changes when they get glimpse of sunlight. In india it is hot so same symptom happens but in reverse season like in winter. I like the idea of sudden change of wardrobe
Haha funny how it’s reversed for you! I just love people watching so it’s interesting to see what people get up to!
hahah too true. We are in London and the parks get packed. Love the mad dash for a BBQ and the lobster red skin that you the weekend after the sun comes out. I do think however that this is our best time of year – and all of the above are a part of how we enjoy it. 🙂
Absolutely! It wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t do all of that!
Life...One Big Adventure
And TAKE THEIR CLOTHES OFF IN PUBLIC! We couldn’t believe it when we had a year in England in 2003, as soon as the temperature hit about 19C, everyone started getting their gear off in parks and everywhere else! Very funny for us Aussies who consider those temperatures quite cool and definitely a long way from sun baking weather! But I guess beggars can’t be choosers! Mel